Kuva Pinja Mäki
SC, PR Riverknee Highest Hopes
RAG a 04
s./b. 2.4.2006
*2007 The Best Mitted
Ragdoll in The Finnish Ragdoll Cat Club*
*2007 / 2008 The Best Mitted Ragdoll in The Finnish Ragdoll
Hilla is a very playful and talkative princess.
She loves people and seeks for company all the time.
Her best friend was her grandpa Oskari.
Sukutaulu/ Pedigree
*100 % traditional pedigree*
Bloodtype A
PKD, RN ultrasound scan - negative
FeLV, FIV negative, 21.01.2010
HCM ragdoll genetic test - N/N 31.3.2008
CH,IP Snowrag Contrastes
20.3.2003- 13.5.2010
We had to say goodbye to our Beloved Oskari in
May 2010
We miss you so much!
Oskari was a perfect ragdoll.
His favourite sleeping place was between our pillows
and he spent the whole night there :)
He loved us, our ladies, our dog Toffo and food.
He was very tolerant and you could have tied a knot out of him. He was also the best "nanny"
for our kittens. Oskari was the base of our breeding, our home and our hearts...
Sukutaulu/ Pedigree
Bloodtype A
HCM, PKD and RN negative - 5/2010
HCM genetic test N/N -tested 1/2008
PKD and RN - ultrasound scan : negat 1/2010
Oskarin jälkeläiset - Oskari´s offspring:
Shyshaman´s kissala/Cattery:
emo/dame Millpark Penny Lane (kittens born
Snowrag kissala/Cattery:
emo/dame GIC Shyshaman´s Cry Me A River (kittens born 4.10.2004)

kuva Jan Nyström, Kissafoto
CH Shyshaman´s I Am Music
RAG a 04
s./ b 16.8.2004
Kissalamme kantanaaras.
Mimmi is a very independent lady
but at the same time social,
sweet and has been a very good mother to her babies.
Sukutaulu/ Pedigree
Bloodtype A
HCM, PKD and RN negative - tested 28.10.2005
PKD and RN ultrasound scan - negative 13.4.2007
FeLV,Fiv negative, 28.10.2005

Kuva Sirpa Heiskanen
GIC D* Valentino von Locksley
s./b. 27.7.2006
*2008 The Best Breeder Male
in The Finnish Ragdoll Cat Club*
Valentino was BIS breeder male
in Kirkkonummi FIFe international cat show 01/11/2008
Valentino on tuontimme Saksasta
marraskuussa 2006 yhdessä Snowrag kissalan kanssa.
Valentino asuu Järvenpäässä
Tiina-Maria Karvisen luona.
Valentino is super in character and type. He loves humans (especially women) and
is very social. He has been successfull in cat shows
and has so far gained an Grand International Champion title. Valentino is
co-owned with Sirpa Heiskanen/ Snowrag Cattery.
Sukutaulu/ Pedigree
Bloodtype A
FeLV, FIV negative
HCM n/n
RN, PKD negative
Valentino´s photo album
Thank you Helga and Bernd for this
handsome and lovable boy!
kuva Sini Rajahalme
CH NL* Urho van de Binnendijk
03 (true bicolor)
s./b. 14.3.2007
Urho tuli meille Hollannista
kesäkuussa 2007.
Nykyisin Urho asuu kastraattiherrana Lauran ja Rahilin luona Järvenpäässä.
Urho is a shy and a very sweet
and gentle boy. His type is excellent and he is big in size.
Urho is friends with everyone. His new home is with Laura and Rahil in
Sukutaulu/ Pedigree
Bloodtype A
FeLV, FIV negative 30.6.2008
HCM-DNA n/n 15.1.2008
RN, PKD ultrasound scan: negat 30.6.2008
Special thanks to Crista and
Hans for our little heart breaker :)

GIC Riverknee Wahine O Temuka
Isä/sire: GIC Valentino von Locksley
Emo/dam: Kiwimagic Dazzling White
Bloodtype A
FeLV, FIV neg/neg 18/09/2009
HCM gentest N/N (both parents tested N/N)
RN, PKD ultrasound scan: to be tested
Mocca lives in a fosterhome
with Annika´s family in Hyvinkää together with Helmi.

Bobkatin Lady Riverknee
RAG a 03 (hm)
s./b. 12.08.2006
Aura on B-pentueestamme ja kahden pentueemme emo.
Kookas ja hyväluonteinen naaras, joka oli oikea malliemo. Aura siirtyi
eläkkeelle ja Snellmannien omistukseen toisen pentueensa jälkeen.

Kuva Annika Ahonen
Riverknee Lucky Golddigger
Isä/sire: GIC Valentino von Locksley
Emo/dam: SC Riverknee Highest Hopes
Bloodtype A
FeLV, FIV neg/neg /2009
HCM gentest N/N (both parents tested N/N)
RN, PKD ultrasound scan: to be tested
Helmi is retired and lives
with Annika´s family in Hyvinkää together with Mocca.
Elsa asuu uudessa kodissaan
Janin luona maalla :)

Elsa on löytökissa, syntynyt vuonna 2001.
Elsa is our homecat and was found in the Helsinki area forest as a kitten. She is probably born in 2001 and she is a very beautiful,
social and lovable
spayed female.She lives nowadays with Heidi and Jani on the countryside.

PR Tammikatin Silkkiturkki
Simo on meidän kotimme jättiläinen, ei kuitenkaan laumamme
Kunkku :)
Simo is our giant male, but stil not the King of our herd.

Fandango´s Flying Circus
RAG a 04
s./b. 7.8.1995
Alex viettää rauhallisia eläkepäiviä Jarnon
vanhempien luona Hollolassa.
Alex is enjoying retirement days and lives now at Jarno´s parents home in Hollola

IC Riverknee Sweet Almond
RAG n 03 (hm)
s./b. 14.11.2007
Isä/sire: GIC Valentino von Locksley
Emo/dam: Bobkatin Lady Riverknee
*100 % traditional pedigree*
Peeti jäi C-pentueestamme
kasvatukseen ihanan luonteensa vuoksi.
Peeti is from our litter C and we kept him to continue our breeding.
Nyt Peeti viettää eläkepäiviään Hannan ja Jannen luona.
Bloodtype A
FeLV, FIV neg/neg 6/2011
HCM-DNA ragdoll N/N (both parents tested N/N)
RN, PKD ultrasound scan: negative 08/05/2009
Peeti´s Best show results:
11x BIV
7x NOM
1x BIS youngster

FI* Riverknee Gulliver
RAG a 04
s./b. 11.4.2010
Isä/sire: SC Debal´s Räsy-Roope
Emo/dam: Riverknee Lucky Golddigger
Onni elää onnellista nuoren
pojan elämää kastraattina Pirjon perheen luona Espoossa.
Onni sai kaksi pentuetta ennen
eläkepäiviään, toisen Erkatin kissalaan ja toisen Corres-kissalaan.
Bloodtype A
HCM-DNA ragdoll N/N (both parents tested N/N)